Larry John McNally

Fade to Black (ATCO 1986)

Producers: Gary Katz and Larry John McNally

Drums: Armand Grimaldi, Andre Fisher, Bobby Economo, Richard Feldman, Rick Kelly
Guitars: Larry john McNally, James Harrah, Buzzy Feiten, Charles Fearing, Dan Huff
Bass: Jimmy Halsip, Reggie McBride, Mark Brown, Richard Feldman, David Schwartz
Piano: Aaron Zigman, Rick Kelly, Joe Vitarelli, Michael Ruff
Synthesizers: Michael Ruff, Rick Kelly, Richard Feldman, Aaron Zigman, Mark Morgan, Mitchell Froom
Harmonica: Tollak Olstead
Percussion: Mike Fisher
Background Vocals: Larry John McNally, Jude Johnstone, Leslie Smith

1. My obsession
    2. James Dean
    3. The Motown song
    4. Swichblade
    5. Long drag off a cigarette
    6. Chinatown
    7. The beat generation
    8. In my indiscretion
    9. Tar on the roof