Melissa Manchester

For The Working Girl (Arista 1980)

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Producer: Steve Buckingam

Drums: James Stroud
Guitars: Larry Byrom, Steve Buckingam
Bass: Tom Robb
Piano: Melissa Manchester
Keyboards: Randy McCormick
Synthesizer: Alan Feingold
Percussion: James Stroud
French Horn: Beth Cooper
Background Vocals: Don Henley, Sandra Rhodes, Charles Chalmers, Donna Rhodes, Paul Davis, Steve Carlisle, Kathleen Jackson, Ed Seay, Bernardine Mitchell, Patti Allinson

1. If this is love
    2. Any kind of fool
    3. Working girl (for the)
    4. Without you
    5. Boys in the back room
    6. You and me
    7. Talk
    8. A fool's affair
    9. Lovers after all
   10. Tears of joy
   11. Happier than I've ever been