Paul Davis

Cool Night (Arista 1981)

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Producers: Ed Seay and Paul Davis

Drums: Benny Rappa, Gene Chrisman, Jean T. MacHine
Bass: Ed Seay, Barry Dunaway, Steve Tischer
Keyboards: Paul Davis, Tommy Cooper, Vance Taylor, Ed Seay, Doug Bare
Guitars: Steve Hardwick, Rick Hinkle
Background Vocals: Paul Davis, Ed Seay, Benny Rappa, Carol Veto

1. Cool night
    2. You came to me
    3. One more time for the lonely
    4. Nathan Jones
    5. Oriental eyes
    6. '65 love affair
    7. Somebody's gettin to you
    8. Love or let me be lonely
    9. What you got to say about love
   10. We're still together