Pure Prairie League

If The Shoe Fits (RCA 1976)

pureprairieleague76.jpg (11902 byte)

Pure Prairie League are: Billy Hinds, Mike Reilly, George Powell, Larry Goshorn, John David Call, Michael Connor

Producer: John Boylan

Drums: Billy Hinds
Guitars: George Powell, Larry Goshorn, John David Call, Chet Atkins
Bass: Mike Reilly
Keyboards: Michael Connor
Lead and Background Vocals: George Powell, John Call, Mike Reilly, Larry Goshorn

1. That'll be he day
    2. I can only think of you
    3. Sun shone lightly
    4. Long cold winter
    5. Lucille crawfield
    6. Gimme another change
    7. Aren't you mine
    8. You are so near to me
    9. Out on the street
   10. Goin' home